There's a mysterious locked door in a space near the tomb, but it cannot be accessed right now.Ĭor will call you as you leave the tomb and suggest you see Monica at the Prairie Outpost for further information. After enough time on the first floor of the tomb, you should eventually reach the Tomb of the Conqueror. You may come across some relatively weak goblins, along with other enemies like tarantulas. Look around as you enter the tomb for some free pickups. Cor will give you the key to the other tombs before you head into the Keycatrich tomb.
There are thirteen total tombs throughout the land, and a second one is just within Keycatrich Trench. You'll collect a sword of kings, one of the royal arms: the Sword of the Wise. Cor will teach Noctis that it's his duty as king to inherit the power of the past kings. A woman named Monica will greet the four of you at the outpost and send you toward the Tomb of the Wise, where Cor is said to be. If you haven't been there before, it'll just take a few minutes to drive up. Leave the garage and head toward the Prairie Outpost to the northwest. LegacyĬid will tell you some words to put Noctis at east. Cindy will suggest you see Cid before you talk to Cor. You'll arrive in Hammerhead shortly after Chapter 1.